YouTube videos on how to use the EPA Water Map, and its Pollution Impact Potential Map layers for Nitrogen and Phosphorus
Map layers and categories
How to switch on the satellite images for your map
Adjusting how your layers look and understanding what they mean
Some of the tools:
Search by Eircode, address, county/town or coordinates so you can easily find where you live
Measurement and drawing tools
How to print your map
This YouTube Video has a brief guide on how to use the EPA Water Map
About the Pollution Impact Potential (PIP) Maps for nitrogen and phosphorus
ASSAP Advisor Meabh O’Hagan explains what the EPA Pollution Impact Potential maps are used for and how they can be used by farmers to identify water pressures in their area.
This video is a guide for users who are interested in accessing Pollution Impact Potential (PIP) Maps on the EPA Water Map
Map layers and categories
Any layer can be switched on by using the menu at the top of the map.
The categories and layers are:
Water, Land and Soil
Water: includes water features like catchments, subcatchments, river sub-basins and water bodies, along with river flow and river network layers
Geography: counties, local authority areas and settlements
Hydrogeology: GSI bedrock and gravel aquifers, GSI Vulnerability
Soil: Subsoils and susceptibility maps for nitrate and phosphate
Protected Areas
Drinking Water, Recreational Waters (designated Bathing Waters for swimming), Shellfish, Salmonid, Conservation Areas (SACs, SPAs)
Monitoring and Flow
Q Values – river ecology monitoring results from 1971 to present
Flows and Levels – both monitored and modelled, with links to all active hydrometric monitoring gauges
National Monitoring Stations
Status and Risk
Bathing Water Quality – this is updated during the bathing season which runs form 1 June to 15 September and includes links to, which has information on water quality, tides, accessibility and weather for all designated Bathing Waters
WFD Risk 3rd Cycle
WFD Status 2016-2021
WFD Status 2013-2018
WFD Risk 2nd Cycle
WFD 2010-2015
High Status Objective water bodies
Pressures and Activities
Significant Pressures for river, lake, transitional and coastal water bodies
Stories – these are all stories from, showing how local communities and public bodies are working to protect and restore water quality in Ireland
WFD Areas for Action – this shows the Priority Areas for Action that are being focused on by the Local authority Waters Programme. Further details on all Areas for Action are available at
Catchment Projects: areas where there are already projects ongoing at catchment scale, or where funding or plans are in place, which will have benefits for water quality protection/restoration during WFD Cycle 3. They include community initiatives (like Rivers Trusts), LIFE, EIP, INTERREG and public body research projects.
Targeting Agricultural Measures: Where agricultural measures are needed to restore water quality, the Subbasin are highlighted with one or more coloured flags to indicate the types of water quality issues associated with that Subbasin.
Satellite Images
This means you can see satellite imagery for any area. This baser layer can be accessed by clicking the three dots in the lower right of the map and selecting ‘Bing Maps’.
If you select the three dots in the bottom right of the screen…… and then Bing Maps you will get satellite imagery for your map.
Adjusting how your layers look
Once you switch a layer on, you can change how it looks by clicking the ‘Active Layer’ menu on the left of the map.
You can access the Active ;layers menu on the left of the maps…Once you open the Active Layers menu if you click the icon highlighted above for any layer, you can see the legend and adjust how it looks.The bar at the top of the screen (in a red box) allows you to adjust how this layer looks. Underneath you can see the legend which explains what the colours mean.The Water Maps with the Active Layers menu open.
New tools for search, measurement and drawing
Search tools: You can now search by Address, Eircode, County/Town and Coordinates. You can access these by clicking the Magnifying Glass in the top right or by clicking the tools menu on the left of the maps
To find where you live, click on the magnifying glass in the top right….… and you can find the place you want to know more about.
The Tools Menu: Search for a water feature, measure and draw on your map
The tools menu can be accessed from the left hand side of the map.
The tools menu can be opened by clicking the red box above on the right of the screen.
The tools menu includes the following:
Search Water Feature: you can search for any river, lake, estuary, coastal water, catchment or subcatchment using this
Search Tools – this is another way to access the Eircode/County/Coordinates search shown above already
Measurement Tools
Graphic Tools -these allow you to draw on the map
The tools menu on the new Water Map.
Measurement tools
The new measurement tools.
Graphic tools
These tools allow you to draw on the map and to add text. You can also print your map after you have added a drawing or text.
These new Graphic Tools mean you can draw or write on you map.
Print Map
This allows you to print the map on screen, along with any shapes or text you may have drawn on the map with the Graphic Tools. You can do this by clicking on the Print Map icon in the bottom right of the Maps.
Click the Printer image highlighted red above to print you map.
Who is involved?
Quite simply, everyone in Ireland has a role to play. This can be from something as simple as making sure you don’t pollute your local stream, or a local community working together to establish a Rivers Trust to enhance the rivers and lakes in their area, to a Government Department or Agency helping a Minister implement a new policy to help protect and enhance all our water bodies.
This website has been developed and is maintained by the Environmental Protection Agency, and is a collaboration between the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Local Authority Waters Programme.
Local Authority Waters Programme
The Local Authority Waters Programme coordinates the efforts of local authorities and other public bodies in the implementation of the River Basin Management Plan, and supports local community and stakeholder involvement in managing our natural waters, for everyone’s benefit.
Environmental Protection Agency
The EPA is responsible for coordinating the monitoring, assessment and reporting on the status of our 4,842 water bodies, looking at trends and changes, determining which waterbodies are at risk and what could be causing this, and drafting environmental objectives for each.
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
The Department is responsible for making sure that the right policies, regulations and resources are in place to implement the Water Framework Directive, and developing a River Basin Management Plan and Programme of Measures to protect and restore our waters.