Rivers trusts are charities, established by local people to look…
JuneFest 2017: River Liffey Nature Walk
The River Liffey offers an inspiring way to bring learning to life. On Saturday 17th June 2017, The Waters and Communities Office collaborated with the JuneFest Committee to celebrate the wonders of the River Liffey in Newbridge, Co. Kildare.
A nature walk along the Linear Park during JuneFest enabled children and adults alike to discover inventions, uncover stories and spot amazing wildlife on their doorstep! The nature walk was a fun-filled activity and helped us to learn about and appreciate the wide variety of precious wildlife that the River Liffey is home to.
The Waters and Communities Office engaged the expertise of a local nature enthusiast, Michael Jacob to lead the walk. Michael led 50 people along the river on a glorious summers day and treated them to a lively and fun-filled talk which brought the River to life.
Kick Sampling
The day’s activities also included the opportunity for participants to take part in kick-sampling of the River which helped to assess the quality of the water and to discover the types of invertebrates which inhabit the Liffey.
The Waters and Communities Office would like to thank all who attended the JuneFest River Walk and would also like to express gratitude to the JuneFest Committee for their help and support in coordinating the event. We look forward to next year’s event already!
Aoife McGrath, Community Water Officer, Waters and Communities Office